Monday, June 23, 2003

You're grumbling on Monday, Jaryd!
Get ready to attract attention. You will be seen as an exotic and unique person wherever you go today, so focus on where this will benefit you most and focus your efforts in that area.

my horoscope... right... exotic... unhuhn...anyway... im goin campin with my parents on fun... NOT
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... on an upside i passed all my classes, the downside... the grades will not be acceptable to my parents... oh well... i dont need to have a life, i will just be grounded and exist solely to serve them... wait a minute... I ALREADY DO!
bye bye now... :(

Saturday, June 21, 2003

In your life there are special people who just seem to touch your heart when youre least expecting it... They are all around if you are lucky...there are many special people in my life but 2 in particular... Even though ill still be friends with both of them they will be missed but not forgotten... I luv Chels and Adam... On a slightly different note, there are also the people who just seem to have a special essence about themselves. No matter what you do or how much you may know them you seem to like them... and you cant have them because they seem to be "too good" when in actuallity they arent, you just make them out to be so great that you end up demeaning yourself... thats just dumb. they are just people, and im not talking about cocky people i mean the TRULY REAL beautiful people... I feel truly blessed to have known such beautiful people and when i say beautiful i mean all around beautiful... you cant be perfect but you can be beautiful. Now i will close with a cliche... All good things must come to an end...:(

Saturday, June 14, 2003

WAAHOOO!!!!!! when your parents go away it is fun to partay!!!! :P:P I like rasberry vodka!

Thursday, June 12, 2003

YO YO YO!! one day of school left... WAAAHOOO!!! then its party time... for the weekend, then studying... right... thats what im gonna do...well well well... Oh i wish i were an oscar meyer weiner!!! anyway... im gonna go now...

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

hey people who read my blog... I WANT TO READ YOURS!!!! send them to it will be fun!
I am the Night Stalker.

Which Serial Killer are you? Take the Serial Killer Test

hehe... im sooo a nite time person!!!! :P
what are you doin?
Waahoo, so guess what!? 2 things to say, ONE i learned a new word from my parents last weekend... i bet you will NEVER EVER guess what it has to do with!!!
Word: Quim
Definition: Female "cum"
Yes... interesting isnt it... out of the mouths of parents...
and the second thing is... PARTY AT JARYDS!!!!! except not really, my parental units are leaving the city limits and i will be a good innocent religious girl... HA!!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

ok, now that i have read my entry thingys it has come to my attention that MY VERY FIRST ENTRY did not have cock in it... so lets pretend THIS is my first entry, thusly EVERY SINGLE ONE has made reference to COCK!
football is one of the essences of my life!!!! of course the others are acting, my friends and ROCK HARD COCK!!! okay, one day one my my entries will NOT have any reference to COCK in it.... that day is not today... hehehe

Monday, June 02, 2003

A letter, an email message, or a phone call could be the start of something special if you are looking for love this week. Venus conjuncts Mercury in Taurus, which indicates that as far as one conversation goes, you certainly have plenty to say to a certain person. The more you talk, the better you seem to click with each other, which could be a revelation to both of you. Love poetry and romantic cards also work wonders at this time, if you can't get to be physically close to the one you love.
SEEEEEEEEEEEEE??????????????????????????? WHY! what good is reading a fucking horoscope when you dont know what happens until it does... ok... i must step away from blogger.... must... resist... urge!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
OK WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!
I should really pay attention to my horoscopes because they are right... god... if only i knew what they meant before they came true i could prepare myself!!! BUT NO! THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!GRRRRRRRRRRR
i must think happy thoughts....hmm.... COCK! Love making organ, penis, penii... im a little better now... we'll just throw in some boobies in the mix.... ahh, much better :) (oh ya, we'll through in cum for Tristan ;)) i love em... and chels... and all of my friends... ahhhh
WORLD PEACE AND ROCK HARD COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parents are the devil, the only reason they have children is so they dont have to clean up after themselves...
I also very much enjoy having my decisions made for me... hehe... good times ;)

Sunday, June 01, 2003

I AM GOIN TO KILL EMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ya... she almost sabbatoged my 2 year lie to my parents! lol... hehe... im just kidding... i love emily :) only because she covered it well.... ANYWAY! i like sun.