Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I hate feeling the way i feel right now. because i dont feel like i know what the fuck is going on or how i should be feeling and reacting and im tired of worring about whos toes i step on or how im supposed to react to anything and mostly im just on a crazy low level just floating through the past few weeks because i dont know anything. i dont know what to say to anyone its always not what i mean or just not correct. im sick of it. im sick of it. heh. i enjoy the fact that no one really reads this anymore and i can just write anything i want and it will always be here to hear me fucking bitch about the same fucking problems over and over again. in all seriousness though. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON! yes everything seems to be going well but i have this knot in my stomach. and apparently in my shoulders and in the middle of my back. everywhere there is tension and i cant take it any more and one day someone will ask me how i am and i will say nothing. because i wont be there anymore. i will just walk away and run for some secret destination for however fucking long i feel like it and i will take the battery out of my cell phone and i will curl up on a bed in which ever town i stop in and stay like that till i get all the fucking KNOTS OUT. i need to take better care of myself. i never feel well and it seems like one moment i think im happy and the next its like holy god i hate everything and stop talking or i will cry. i hate it. perhaps instead of running i will lay under my egyptian cotton duvet until everything melts into togetherness. you cant save me.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

what happened?

I was reminded of a boy i knew once. i was in like grade 6 and i was really good friends with him. he was really sad and i befriended him. he was this completley amazing kid and didnt understand why he was different. i remember that i really wanted to be around him and that we had fun hanging out and we became very close, like best friends. then all of the sudden he was gone. i dont really know what happened. but i remember my teacher telling me that he had lots of problems to deal with. she knew how close we were. i havent seen him since. no goodbyes. just an empty desk. i really hope hes ok. its funny how thoughts just randomly pop into our heads. hmm.

ttfn, Jiggy

Friday, April 14, 2006


i had a rather frustrating day... most of my statements about it include... "im tired of..." fuck. i cant control what happens, so i just have to let it go. the end.

ttfn, Jaryd

Saturday, March 11, 2006

girls only want bf's with great skills!

Lawin, dis fo yew. fo yew. heh.

ttfn, Jiggy... i feel like ive been drinking, but i havent!

Friday, March 10, 2006

heh, ya...

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

tee hee

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

yo yo!

Hello friends... i dont know what to say. its been quite a while. im twiterpated. i twirlled today. i smiled today. *sigh* i fought with Jolene yesterday about my birthday. whatever. its gonna be awesome. 22 people have confirmed that they would be there... the Moaning Groans are gonna play in my living room... holy hell thats in ten days... I wish that Lauryn could come though... stupid dreams and aspirations PFFT! break a leg darling! other than that... im just really happy. its kinda disgusting how happy i am. i do feel kinda ill though. but in a happy tee hee kind of way. thats all i think.

ttfn, JIGGY!