Wednesday, April 26, 2006

what happened?

I was reminded of a boy i knew once. i was in like grade 6 and i was really good friends with him. he was really sad and i befriended him. he was this completley amazing kid and didnt understand why he was different. i remember that i really wanted to be around him and that we had fun hanging out and we became very close, like best friends. then all of the sudden he was gone. i dont really know what happened. but i remember my teacher telling me that he had lots of problems to deal with. she knew how close we were. i havent seen him since. no goodbyes. just an empty desk. i really hope hes ok. its funny how thoughts just randomly pop into our heads. hmm.

ttfn, Jiggy

Friday, April 14, 2006


i had a rather frustrating day... most of my statements about it include... "im tired of..." fuck. i cant control what happens, so i just have to let it go. the end.

ttfn, Jaryd